Engineering & Technology
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 873 , Download: 611 , Pages: 74 - 83
# | Author Name |
1 | Sabrina Sharmin |
2 | Shammi Akter Satu |
3 | Farhana Akther |
4 | Mohammad Mizanur Rahman |
The purpose of the drainage plan is to make an assessment of the present drainage facilities and the scope for future drainage network development. For the drainage master plan, it is very important to consider the delineation of natural flow routes but most of the cases it is not considered at municipal drainage master plan. The aim of the delineation of efficient natural flow routes for drainage master plan of a municipality is to ensure that the master plan will provide direction on drainage system that will serve to convey runoff in natural ways to increase the optimum level of drainage system. In this study, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is used to create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data or contour data from the point height data. The DEM or contour data is then processed using the ArcGIS software to determine heavily accumulating flow routes. By following this approach runoff natural flow routes from contour lines is determinable here on a GIS platform. This study also tries to show the contradictions between natural flow routes and proposed drainage master plan. This approach is applicable to eliminate the water logging and to make an efficient drainage network that will be cost effective to the municipal budget. This will also be helpful in designing drainage master plan of the municipality.